Thank you to the committee for inviting me to give CCs for the first time at their show, my steward who helped me organise the ring and most of all the exhibitors for entering your hounds under me.
I thoroughly enjoyed my day judging a super quality entry, I was spoilt for choice in my limit and open bitch classes so I'm sure these girls will swap places at other shows. I feel privileged to have had my hands on such beautiful deerhounds and grateful to the exhibitors for accepting my placings so sportingly.
PD 4
1st Peach's Kilbourne Lloyd. A well grown, quality puppy showing himself beautifully for one so young. Masculine head with dark eye and well set, correct ears, strong neck into nicely constructed front, plenty of heart room,straight legs and tight feet, strong in body with enough topline and strong rear quarters with low set hocks.Moved totally sound and true, holding his topline with good rear drive covering the ground with ease. Presented in lovely hard condition and handled to his advantage. A worthy Best Puppy, I'll watch his progress with interest.
2nd Finnett & Heathcote's HyndsightPilgrim. Very nice for type, masculine but elegant, he has a pleasing head with neat, well set ears, balanced angulation fore and aft, correct topline, strong quarters with good bend of stifle and low hocks, everything is as it should be for his age, he just needs to tighten and settle on the move.
3rd Cummings' Killoeter Tam
JD 1
1st Baumann's Packway Loxley Norton .A really nice young dog of good type with correct, harsh coat. A beautiful head with dark eye, strong neck into good lay back of shoulder, correct topline and fallaway with good tail set and carrage. He's rather narrow at present and needs to tighten and settle on the move but this should all improve with age. A promising young hound with time on his side.
LD 5
1st Constantine's Kaleginy The Forrester. A compact male in super condition with a lovely, harsh coat. Very attractive head with dark eye and gentle expression, strong neck into good shoulder, strong through the body, deep chest and ribs well back, correct fall away to strong quarters which are well muscled with good bend of stifle, low, straight hocks and nice tight feet. Good tail set and carried correctly. Very nicely presented and handled, he moved with purpose, covering the ground with ease and totally sound in all directions.
2nd Lewis's Luckhurst Nairn. A very attractive male shown in good coat and condition. Balanced angulation with good lay back of shoulder and return of upper arm, correct length and depth through body, straight legs and very nice feet. Moved with a long, low stride but not quite as strong in rear movement as the winner.
3rd Grimshaw's Greyflax The Jazz Singer
OD 4 (1)
Finnett & Heathcote's Ch Hyndsight Desperado. A mature dog of beautiful type, lovely head with dark eye and desired far away expression, perfectly folded little ears set correctly, strong, arched neck into well laid back shoulder and good return of upper arm, depth in chest with ribs full and well back, correct topline and fall away to strong quarters with good bend of stifle and low set hocks. Tail set and carried correctly. Moved with power covering the ground with ease, sound and true from all angles, a real showman and a worthy champion, I was pleased to award him the DCC today.
2nd Peach's Ch Rubeus Hagrid To Kilbourne .Very much the youngster of the class but what you see is what you get with this dog , his quality,correct construction and super sound movement coupled with hard conditioning, beautiful presentation and handling couldn't be ignored. He has a short, dark coat of correct texture, a strong neck into a well constructed front with shoulders well back, correct topline and strong rear quarters with low hocks. Totally sound in all directions, covers the ground with long, low strides without effort, he gained his title at at young age but his best is still yet to come, with coat and maturity he'll be hard to beat. RCC
3rd Faircloth's Beardswood Ripley For Calbraidh
VD/B 3
1st Glenmorlich None So Pretty For Packway. 8 1/2 year old bitch, feminine and of lovely type, in fine fettle for her age. Pretty head with dark eye and small rose ear, good lay back of shoulder, correct return of upper arm, ribs well back, nice strong rear with good bend of stifle and low hocks. Feet still good and moved soundly, graceful and light on her feet. In good coat, nicely presented and handled. BV
2nd Baumann's Ch Regalflight Tarloch. Another veteren looking great for his age, a large, masculine hound standing over a lot of ground. He has a lot of coat but underneath it he is nicely constructed. A handsome head, strong, arched neck, deep in chest with good spring of rib, lovely bend of stifle, low hocks and super tight feet. Correct tail set but carried quite proud on the move. Preferred topline and light, easy movement of my winner but he moves with power and is very sound for his age.
3rd Seymour-Jackson's Cassacre Aelfrida
JB 8 (1)
1st Lucas & Dargonne's Packway Little Loxley .A really lovely little bitch with a dark, harsh coat and presented in excellent condition. Pretty head with dark eye and neat, well set ears, balanced angulation and a series of curves standing on straight legs with tight, well knuckled feet, tail correctly set and carried. She covered the ground on the move with ease, very sound and true from all angles. A promising youngster.
2nd Constantine's Kaleginy Antheia. 12 months old so the baby of the class, this bitch is so feminine but has strength all through, in hard condition with correct coat and beautifully presented. Very pretty head with gentle expression and lovely little ears, strong in the neck, shoulder well back and good return of upper arm, desired topline leading to strong rear with low hocks and good second thigh. Sound on the move with reach and drive, she should have a bright future.
3rd Finnett & Heathcote's Hyndsight In Your Dreams
PGB 5 (1)
1st Help's Beardswood Taisie. A dark,short, harsh coated ,young bitch combining strength and elegance, nice head with dark eye, strong neck, enough angles in front, deep chest, correct topline and underline, nice fallaway to rear with plenty of width, good second thigh and low set, straight, strong hocks, tight, well knuckled feet,correct tail set and carried well. Moved with power, good reach in front and driving from behind, long, low strides, very sound and true from all angles. Well presented and handled, a really eyecatching hound.
2nd Peach's Blixen Star too Kilbourne. A very pretty bitch of good breed type with more typical coat than winner of correct length and texture, feminine head with dark eye, very balanced with good angulation front and rear, broad rear with good second thigh and low hocks which she used to her advantage on the move, strong driving action and good reach in front, beautifully presented in hard condition. A close decision between 1st and 2nd. Another star of the future I'm sure.
Taylor's Minerva McGonagall Of Ormanstar
LB 7
1st Wragg's Neroche Jeska. I couldn't take my eyes off this bitch, such a beautiful type, a series of curves with correct coat of harsh texture. She has a stunning head with dark eyes, typical, gentle expression, small, well folded ears, prominent nape leading to strong neck and nicely angulated front with shoulders well back and good length of upper arm, deep in the chest with plenty of heart room with good tuck up and correct topline, nicely drooping quarters with good bend of stifle, width in second thigh and low hocks. Moved around the ring with purpose, effortless, long, low stride, lots of reach in front and powerful drive behind, totally sound and true in every direction. Beautifully presented and gently handled on a loose lead. Had to award her the CC and BOB, I loved her.
2nd Spence's Shagiead Mrs Bridges. Another beautiful bitch, very feminine with a super head , expression and dark eye, well balanced with correct angles front and rear and a flowing series of curves, good topline and underline, strong, broad rear quarters and straight legs on tight, well knuckled feet. Moved beautifully, effortless and true. Presented in great condition with a harsh coat of correct length and good muscle tone. Unlucky to meet the winner, pushed hard for RCC.
3rd Finnett & Heathcote's Hyndsight Mandolin Wind
OB 7
A fabulous class of top class bitches, they could all change places another day, a dream to judge but hard decisions to make, I was splitting hairs.
1st Taylor's Kilbourne Pandora To Talorpeche. An impressive, mature bitch standing over plenty of ground, she is a lovely series of curves combining strength and beauty who I'm sure could do a days work on the hill. Good head shape and neat ears, super strong neck of good length with slight arch, shoulder well back and enough return of upper arm, great depth of chest with plenty of heart room, full ribs set well back, good length and strength in loin, strong, drooping quarters with nice bend of stifle and second thigh. Shown in beautiful condition in good coat and very well handled.She moves so soundly and covers the ground with ease but in the challenge she refused to step up a gear on the move. Such a lovely bitch, happy to award her the RCC in very good company.
2nd Help's Foxcliffe Classic Liberty Freedom At Beardswood. Another super bitch of good size and bone she combines strength and elegance,I preferred the topline of winner but she has so much to admire, feminine head with well set ears, strong neck into well laid shoulder, deep in chest with ribs well back, correct tuck up, broad, strong rear quarters with nice bend of stifle and good second thigh, low set hocks and tidy, well knuckled feet, tail well set and carried. Very sound on the move, long, low strides covering the ground with reach and drive without effort. Very well presented in hard condition and nicely handled.
3rd Redmond & Friend's Ch Shagiead Lady Sea With Greybrows
Sue Phillips |